Specially conceived for the SCAD Museum of Art, 'Mark Wallinger' is an exhibition by and about the artist, which presents a constellation of works from 2003 to 2018. Using mirrorings and conceptual unfoldings, bouncing from perception to action and from subject to object, the artist explores the complexities and nuances of the self. The title of the exhibition itself presents a mirroring of the artist’s name, signaling toward one of his most ambitious recent projects, the id Paintings. A series of large-scale, black-and-white paintings that have a relationship to his height and arm span, each painting is defined by the artist’s body and movement becoming a unique Rorschach test-styled image.
In dialogue with a large selection of the id Paintings, a selection of recent artworks in the exhibition delicately interweave references to literature, the subconscious and the simultaneity of presence and absence.